Back then when linking things up in a tangential way that stripped back hidden connecting layers and generated deeper thought was a thing, The Sunday Read was born.
Over the course of seven years it came out each Sunday, evolving and changing as we did, until it couldn’t (or at least I was unwilling to make it change further).
This is no attempt to revive it. I already write articles and opinion pieces on several different platforms, I am still writing books (because I feel I have something meaningful to say) and I am still bringing out videos and podcasts. The point is that creating more content is not something I crave because I already create more than I feel, some days, my audience can consume.
So this is different. How? Well, for a start there is no real structure to this beyond the loose assembly of links I put together to create an ontology of sorts that will absorb some of your time, increase the opportunity for you to come across content you may have never found in a different way (the engineered serendipity factor) and broaden your horizons beyond your current work or social bubble.