In my job as analyst the advice I provide takes into full account the backdrop against which it occurs. In that context I have, over the years, looked at various “big picture” issues such as poverty, value, large social causes such as piracy, drugs, terrorism and education, and universal basic income (UBI).
Each time I outline the issues, highlight the dynamic principles that govern them and show what initiatives are currently active in that direction. From my perspective this is necessary in order for us to think “outside the box” but it is also necessary for us to understand the connection between some of the less visible societal pressures that affect marketing, branding and sales and force businesses to evolve.
No business alive today can treat the 21st century with a “business as usual” approach and hope to survive it intact.
In the evolution between how we conduct business and how we live our lives there is an ever diminishing gap that marks the rate of change we feel in our lives. Social constructs live in the intersubjective space where objective reality meets subjective beliefs. In that regard notions such as justice, morality, right and wrong and the rule of law are no different to branding.